Emperor Palace


The Venittian

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Extravagant Sofa Set includes two single-seaters, one three-seater, one coffee table, and one side table

The Venittian - a befitting name for our most extravagant sofa set, ever. Venice, a centre of Renaissance art, is a shimmering, dream-like city of canals, which for centuries has been Italy's link with the exotic East. The fourteenth-century Tuscan poet Petrarch called Venice a "mundus alter" or "another world" for its unique waterways. Located in the northern regions of Italy, The City of Canals stands out from other Renaissance centers Florence and Rome. It is known for being the birthplace for famous artists of the Renaissance era such as Bellini, Carpaccio, Veronese, Giorgione, and Titian.

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The Venittian